





学会工作 & 努力学习


实习加强并扩展了学生在专业工作环境中的学习. 任何专业或任何职业兴趣的学生都可以完成实习. 实习学分可用于满足专业要求, 小, 区别, 或通识教育要求.

确定并申请相关实习岗位, 学生可以依靠自己的关系, 咨询克鲁拉克研究所的工作人员, 或访问握手, 将雇主与潜在实习生联系起来的在线数据库. Students typically complete an internship in one of two ways: enrolling in an internship course or contracting an individualized internship experience.


  • 识别人才. Spot and develop aptitudes by working alongside seasoned professionals and innovative thinkers as they address authentic problems and projects.
  • 构建网络. Connect with others who share your interests and find out how to build the relationships that matter for your ongoing professional development.
  • 澄清利益. Gain clarity about what work you enjoy and what type of career you might want to pursue following graduation.
  • 挑战你自己. Test your abilities by stretching outside your comfort zone and stepping up to challenges and opportunities just beyond your current reach.





在握手上建立个人资料, 专业的社交网站, 突出学术成就和课外活动. 与平衡记分卡连接的公司可以看到配置文件.

Update your individual 握手 profile as soon as possible to explore job and internship postings.



Work with a faculty sponsor to contract and earn credit for an internship in any field or area, 比如卫生专业, 法律, 业务, 出版, 或者人力资源.

Identify an internship placement the term prior to the term you want an internship; contracts are due at registration.



在秋季参加一个部门提供的实习课程, 春天, 夏天, 或能量e项.





    握手 专业的社交网站是专门针对大学生的吗. 学生可以找到实习和工作机会, 听取其他同学的建议, 建立一个可以吸引雇主的公众形象.  澳门新葡京官网教职员工已经审查并批准了数据库中的3800多家雇主.  All 澳门新葡京官网 students and alums can build a profile on 握手 and take advantage of the numerous resources available on the site.  



    1. 激活您的帐户. When you set up your account you will indicate your career interests and the term you are looking for an opportunity.
    2. 完成个人资料. Students with completed profiles are five times more likely to receive messages from employers about specific 工作 and internships.
    3. 建立握手网络. 使用Q&一个特性, 对等信息, and reviews to solicit advice and gather information so you can make informed decisions.
    4. 回顾和更新你的个人资料. 积极参加课外活动, 完成实习, 或者获得新的技能, 将这些元素添加到你的个人资料中,以吸引雇主.
    5. 监控你的电子邮件. 握手会根据你的兴趣和活动向你发送有针对性的电子邮件, 包括实习, 工作, 和事件. 
    6. 申请实习和工作. 迈出这一步,去申请吧!


    学生可以在澳门新葡京官网的任何学期实习.  在秋季和春季学期,学生通常每周实习10-15小时.  在夏季和探索学期,学生可以全职或兼职工作. Students can pursue an individualized learning contract to earn credit and gain valuable learning experience from their internship experience.  通过获得实习学分, the time spent at the agency and reflecting on the experiences at the worksite can be folded into your regular course load for a given term. 


    找到一份完美的实习工作并不会遵循严格的线性过程:要有效率, you’ll need to keep your eyes and ears open to opportunities and regularly plan and connect with others. 你越早开始为实习做计划越好.  The main activities to landing an internship include: meeting with faculty and staff at 澳门新葡京官网 to get advice; scanning 握手 and your networks for opportunities; shaping your resume for specific positions and applying; and drafting the learning contract with your faculty sponsor.

    • 向教职员工寻求建议. Make an appointment with staff in the Krulak研究所 or 职业服务 to discuss your options and review your interests. 尽早与公司代表见面, 最好是在你希望实习之前的秋季或春季学期. 有些机会需要提前两个学期做计划. 您可以使用握手来安排会议. 
    • 寻找机会. 利用你的人际网络来确定选择. 与澳门新葡京官网的教职员工交谈, 你在社区里遇到的人, 花时间定期扫描握手数据库中的机会. Generate a list and make initial contact to inquire about application timelines or specific expectations for interns at the organization. Reviewing opportunities will help you clarify your interests and what you hope to gain from the internship experience.  
    • 塑造你的简历并申请. 更新你的简历和网上资料.g., 握手 and LinkedIn): emphasize your skills, relevant experiences, and aspirations. 征求反馈并使用教程来建立一个强大的个人资料, 通过模拟面试和其他练习来准备面试. 为特定的实习量身定制简历,然后申请.
    • 起草学习合同. 与教师赞助商合作(以及你的实习网站), 如果可能的话)为你的学习合同起草一份提案,这样你就可以获得学分. Your contract serves as the way to formalize your learning insights from the internship and ensures you earn academic credit for your work. 关于完成个性化学习合同的详细信息可以在这里找到 在这里.


    多个部门和办公室都有定期, 您可以注册或申请的持续实习机会.  许多这样的机会是在常规学期提供的.  Some departments also offer internships opportunities during 探索术语 and the 夏天 terms.  


    Opportunities that receive course credit will be listed as options in 自助服务 as part of regular registration.  其他的机会, 比如赫斯研究员倡导和反贫困实习计划, 会通过ENGAGE和其他渠道推广吗.  

    • 秋季、春季、夏季学期课程. 以下系在秋季提供实习课程, 春天, 偶尔还有夏季学期:会计学, 建筑研究, 工商管理, 传媒及电影研究, 及城市环境研究.  这些课程通常在课程安排中编号为297或397.  与各个部门核实清单. 一旦你注册了课程, contact the professor and a representative from the Krulak研究所 to determine your specific internship site.   
    • 勘探期项目. 其他部门和项目在探索期提供实习机会. The Departments of History and Religion have both offered regular 探索术语 internship opportunities, 学前教育学生有多种选择. Check the 探索术语 Bulletin for these and other opportunities; you can also talk with your advisor and other department representatives. Contact the professor and meet with a representative from the Krulak研究所 to enroll.
    • 仅限申请的实习项目. The Krulak研究所 offers the Hess Fellows Advocacy and Anti-Poverty 实习 program.  这个项目的申请将于11月开始.  查找其他信息 在这里.


    感谢您有兴趣接待澳门新葡京官网学生实习生!  The easiest way to make your internship or job opportunities available to 澳门新葡京官网 students is through 握手, an online networking website specifically geared towards college students and 澳门新葡京官网 students in particular.  要开始使用握手,请联系Krulak学院或职业服务中心的工作人员.  他们可以帮助你发展你的实习, 建立握手账户, 并在握手上发布你的工作或实习信息. 


    联系克拉克学院的工作人员索取我们的雇主手册. In the meantime, 在这里 are a few general tips to keep in mind when developing your internship:

    • 使用握手. 我们鼓励所有雇主在网站上发帖  握手. 联系澳门新葡京官网实习工作人员,以获得设置帐户的链接.
    • 想想开始时间. 在大多数情况下, 学分实习遵循澳门新葡京官网的学术术语:秋季学期, 探索术语, 春季学期, 夏季学期. 你提供实习的最佳时间或学期是什么时候?
    • 考虑时间承诺. 克鲁拉克学院鼓励学生在实习中获得学分. 学生可以工作的时间会因学期而异(见图表)。.   你理想的实习时间是每周多长时间? 
















    • 让它变得有趣. 包括复杂任务的实习对学生更有吸引力, 经常与专业人士合作.  The internship is a learning opportunity for students w在这里 they can learn more about your industry and professional area of work.  学生们可能会和你一起处理什么样的具有挑战性的项目?


    作为一名教员, 你可以通过以下两种方式提供实习机会:开发常规课程或项目, 或者赞助一名学生签订个性化学习合同.  实习 provide students with a powerful way to extend their learning outside the classroom by working alongside practicing professionals.  


    • 确定学习成果. 实习主要是学习经验. 像这样, start with the learning you want students to achieve as a result of their internship experience.  How will the internship extend and develop key concepts and practices in your areas of expertise? 
    • 定位实习地点. The Krulak institute staff can assist you and your students in identifying relevant internship sites given your learning outcomes and interests. 什么样的专业环境能提供你想要的见解?
    • 申请资助. The Krulak研究所 offers course development 夏天 stipends for the development of internship courses. 教务长办公室每年春天都会发出征求建议书的请求.
    • 拟定一份提案或合同. 对于课程,完成C&S课程计划书. 个性化的学生合同, 您将与您的学生一起完成合同学习表格.


与Krulak研究所联系,电话:205-226-7717 (电子邮件保护)

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