



New Phone System FAQ


NEW 澳门新葡京官网 Phone System

Frequently Asked Questions


Note that this information is subject to change as more is learned about the new system leading into and throughout the phone system’s implementation.


    What is the new 澳门新葡京官网 phone system?

    The new 澳门新葡京官网 phone system is being implemented to replace the existing phone system that operates on outdated technology.  The new phone system will operate off the 澳门新葡京官网 campus network in conjunction with 澳门新葡京官网’s phone carrier.



    When will implementation begin?

    Implementation of the new phone system is expected to begin in early 2022.


    Will my existing desk phone work?

    No. Your existing desktop phone is designed to function under the current phone system only.

    Will I keep my campus extension?


    Will training for the new system be available?

    Yes, at a time that’s TBD.


    Will I be notified in advance of when the new phone system will be available for me to use?

    Yes, advance notice will be provided.  We are currently planning on a rolling implementation over the course of the Spring semester. The migration will be gradual over a period of a few months and not all at once.

    Is a 澳门新葡京官网 office phone required, and what if I don’t want one?

    No. If you have not used your desk phone in quite some time, particularly if you work remotely, an office phone is not required.  Please speak to your division Vice President or supervisor if you are not sure.


    Will the new phone system offer new ways of using the phone?

    Yes!  The new phone system offers a mobile app option as well as the ability to log in place and receive calls via the carrier’s website.  Desktop phones, i.e.: physical handsets, fax lines, are available by approval of the division’s Vice President.


    Does the new system’s website allow me to place and receive calls if I do not wish to use the mobile app and do not have a physical desk phone?

    Yes. The new system’s website has the ability to place and receive calls.  Your computer’s microphone is all that is needed.


    Does the new phone system’s mobile app option use my existing campus phone number?

    Yes.  Your campus phone number is contained within your mobile app.


    Will the mobile app option work over WiFi (campus WiFi or other)?


    If I call someone via the mobile app, will they know it’s me?

    Yes.  The mobile app supports campus caller ID.

    If I call someone via the mobile app, will they be able to see my personal cell phone number?

    No.  The mobile app will show that it’s you calling from your campus phone but not from your personal smartphone.


    Does the mobile app count against my carrier’s airtime minutes?

    No, it will not count against your airtime minutes.  However, the mobile app sends and receives calls via the Internet so, therefore, it uses either cellular data or WiFi data.


    In the mobile app, will I be able to use the current 4-digit system to call others on campus or will I need to dial the entire number? 

    Yes, you can use the current 4-digit system to call others on campus via the mobile app.

    I travel as part of my job. Will the mobile app function as expected off-campus?

    Yes.  The mobile app functionality is the same on or off-campus.


    If I use the mobile app, can I access campus phone voicemail?


    Regardless of the option I plan to use (desk phone, mobile app, website phone), are all normal features available like voicemail, call forwarding, hold, etc.?

    Yes, each option contains the normal features you’d expect like hold, transfer, call forwarding, and VM.

    I need to be able to monitor a group of phone lines in my office, so that if someone is out, I can answer on their behalf. Is this possible?

    Yes.  This is handled through call grouping that will be configured as part of our campus implementation.


    What should I do with my old desk phone?

    澳门新葡京官网 IT is exploring recycling options.  Stay tuned.

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