






咨询 服务 are available to students seeking support for mental or emotional health needs and 卫生服务 are available to students seeking help for physical health needs.  Appointments are at no cost and services are scheduled based on availability for currently enrolled students. 


  • Call 205-226-4717 during office hours:  Monday – Friday, 8:15am – 4:45pm CST.
  • 电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) (办公室助理)或 (电子邮件保护) (顾问)
  • Request an appointment through our online portal (See instructions below):

点击链接: 伯明翰南方学院客户门户| TherapyPortal


For all emergencies, please call Campus Police at 205-226-4700, or 911 if you are away from campus.  Someone with Campus Police is available 24/7 and can connect you with the support you may need.


咨询 服务 helps students manage temporary or ongoing challenges—which can range from 首页sickness or relationship problems, 时间或压力管理, 抑郁或焦虑, 以及其他各种与个人或学术相关的问题.  Licensed and trained counselors offer counseling appointments to all currently enrolled 澳门新葡京官网 students at no cost, 短期来看.  我们也提供咨询, 健康教育, 并根据需要协助寻找校外资源.



    有时候我们都需要一些帮助. Our counselors are available to offer you support if you are experiencing any of the following common areas in which college students may want to seek counseling:

    • 过渡/适应大学生活
    • 抑郁和压力/焦虑
    • 室友的问题
    • 人际关系问题(社交、约会、工作、家庭等.)
    • 自杀的念头
    • 自我伤害行为
    • 性别认同/性取向
    • 时间管理
    • 酗酒和吸毒
    • 身体形象/自我形象
    • 饮食失调
    • 性暴力/约会暴力
    • 创伤/滥用
    • 失去和悲伤

    澳门新葡京官网咨询服务拥有最高的专业水准, 道德, and legal standards of confidentiality as set forth by the American 咨询 Association. Maintaining client confidentiality and privacy is of the utmost importance in order to facilitate effective therapeutic relationships. Interested individuals can learn more regarding our policy and procedures for protecting client's confidentiality and records in our 客户保密,隐私和记录政策. 

    ULifeline, 年轻人在线行为支持系统,可在

卫生服务 帮助学生保持健康的身体和生活方式. 我们治疗小病和小伤, 管理慢性健康状况, 进行实验室测试并进行过敏注射, provide information about sexually transmitted infections and contraception, 进行季节性疫苗接种.  Personal care is provided by a full time RN on campus and referrals are made to primary care physicians and specialists off campus.



    The 卫生事务处 provides on-campus health and health education tailored to the individual’s needs.  Significant illnesses and injuries are referred off campus to specialist or health care facilities of the students’ choice. 如果是校外转诊, it is necessary to present an insurance card and co-pay at the doctor's office or hospital. If a student has no means of personal transportation, it may be arranged through Campus Police. 到保健服务处就诊不收费.

    We recognize the importance of students having a place to seek medical advice privately and confidentially, therefore all visits with 卫生服务 professionals are confidential. Client privacy is maintained for all clients with only limited exceptions, and records related to student health and visits to 卫生服务 are held securely at all times. Further information regarding confidentiality and records is available in our statement of the 客户保密、隐私和记录政策



    门诊部 - care is available for minor health problems, injuries, and assistance with referrals as needed.

    实验室服务 -可进行咽喉培养. 如果需要其他实验室服务,可以转介.

    注射过敏 – allergy injections are administered at the direction of the student's own allergist. Students must provide medication and written instructions from the allergist. Students should call for a consultation appointment prior to beginning injections

    营养咨询 – available to students with health problems where nutrition is a concern or students desiring weight loss. Consultation is also available for students who desire to learn how to establish healthy eating patterns.

    电话咨询 -可通过电话咨询一些与健康有关的问题.

    健康促进谘询 –assists students in learning about healthy lifestyles and disease prevention. Assessment of student's lifestyle and health through health risk appraisal is available.

    健康问题管理 -协助有慢性健康问题(如哮喘)的学生, 糖尿病, and others) in management of their health while adjusting to college life.

    流感脑膜炎疫苗 -每年秋天由当地诊所在校园里发放. 具体日期将在秋季公布. 这项服务象征性地收费.

    性病/避孕资讯及谘询 – sexually transmitted disease and birth control information and consultation is available to students.

    健康教育 -提供与健康有关的主题的信息. Ongoing programs and activities on campus address alcohol and drug awareness and AIDS. 心肺复苏术和急救教育可应要求提供. Printed information on a variety of health related topics is available in the 卫生事务处.

    因病缺课 - the 卫生事务处 does not provide excuses for class absences. Written documentation of visits and illnesses are provided to professors upon the student's request. Students are responsible for notifying professors about illnesses and absences.

    发布运行状况信息的授权- 健康记录是保密的.  此信息只能由家长访问, legal guardians and spouses when a student gives permission by signing this 同意书.

    〇学生健康保险 all students enrolled at 澳门新葡京官网 are required to provide proof of health insurance.  学校不提供保险计划.  For more information about insurance at the  Affordable Care Act Marketplace/Exchange, visit www.医疗保健.gov 或通过电子邮件联系健康服务部 (电子邮件保护).

    一般信息 -所有新生必须提交一份完整的 学生健康包. Completed forms enable the 卫生事务处 to better assist the students. All full-time students should have these forms on file prior to enrollment and registration. 这可以通过发邮件来安排 (电子邮件保护) 

你的隐私很重要. 卫生服务 follows federal health and higher education guidelines to ensure student privacy is protected. 所有的访问和健康记录都是保密的. 咨询 keeps records in accordance set forth by the American 咨询 Association and by state law; your counselor can explain the details.

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